One of the major cornerstones of the Janus CRM and Project Management platform has been a focus on accountability.

In the solar industry as with any sort of home improvement or construction project, there are a lot of moving parts with a lot of people at various levels of involvement. The nature of all this also means when one person fails to do their job, the entire project can suffer.

Worse still is that with so many parts moving in tandem and relying on each other, it can be very difficult to find where a misstep occurred so that you can get the project back on track. With Janus, we solve this very common issue.

With our project management and CRM portals, you will find that your tasks not only have to be assigned to a person, but given a due date for the specific task. This then places these tasks and deadlines on that person’s personal task and deadline dashboard.

If a deadline is missed, it then becomes very clear where the misstep occurred and can be rectified. This ensures that any slowdowns are minimized and the solar installation can progress on schedule.

Another area of accountability that we focus on with the creation of Janus was on the documentation of installations.

There are a lot of companies out there in the home improvement sector that are not entirely on top of their accountability. When it comes to licenses, documentation, permits and photo evidence of scope of work, some companies are less than honest. This can give rise to unscrupulous practices that give the industry a bad reputation.

With Janus, you are able to not only make it a requirement to upload these documents, but the docs reside within your Janus system for easy access. This means if problems should ever come up, you have ample documentation to protect your company.

To learn how Janus can take your company to the next level, call us for a demo. We cannot wait to show you the power of our solar project management and CRM platform.