Janus offers a full suite of project management solutions for companies of any size. Not only does Janus scale for companies of any size, you never pay more for the number of users you have! Even better, Janus can integrate with systems that you currently cannot live without like SolarEdge.

When we sat down to begin creating Janus, we looked at the many different project management challenges that solar companies were facing. We then devised ways to correct these issues in an easy-to-use, efficient manner. Here are some of the challenges and our solutions.

Contractors padding time and often not being on location – It is the nature of business that sometimes there are those that take advantage of working in the field. In order to change this, we made sure that Janus takes a heavy focus on the accountability of those in the field. Using Geo-location, Janus can verify the location of a contractor when they check in at the job site. This is then utilized as a time clock so that you can implement the data into payroll.

Necessary things falling through the cracks – With any sort of job on the scale of a solar installation, there are many moving parts. This frequently leads to some small tasks falling through the cracks which can easily avalanche into a much bigger issue. Before Janus, some of our clients had issues with solar panel systems not functioning because of a missing step in the process. This in turn led to a PR and customer service headache as they had irate customers. Janus offers a robust task system that requires contractors to check off their tasks as they proceed. This ensures that everything gets done in a timely and efficient manner. Janus successfully solves all “dropped ball” challenges for our clients.

Lost receipts and too much paperwork – With numerous installations and many employees, it often occurs that receipts can get lost from the field. Even worse, receipts come in and pile up on an administrator’s desk. Janus allows for instant digitalization of receipts and paperwork with a simple smartphone. This insures that you always have the data quickly and in a non-losable form. By doing so, you will never be late on invoices or reimbursements again!

Janus does so many things that it is really too difficult to explain in words. It is best to schedule a demo so that you can see how Janus can streamline your project management woes!