When it comes to Janus, one of the things that we put front and center is the fact that it is a custom made customizable CRM and Project Management software made specifically for the solar industry. This is not only what makes Janus unique, but also what makes Janus incredibly powerful.

We also want to focus in on why the customizable aspect of Janus is so important.

We have said many times that no two solar companies are the same in the manner in which they work. Some companies are sales centric, while other focus on a more community feel for solar installations. Some solar companies focus exclusively on commercial solar; while others do only residential. Still others do a blend of the two.

All of these different styles of companies have different needs and desires when it comes to their CRM and their project management. This is even further compounded when different states have different regulations/permits/processes for solar installations.

With an out-of-the-box software, you can run into one of two problems. The first is the developers took all the various needs of all companies and combined them all into one platform. This becomes very bloated and is filled with a lot of features and fields that are not relevant to you and your company. In the end, you are stuck with an unwieldy platform that you waste time ignoring half of the features that are in there.

On the other side of the coin, you end up with software that is too slim in the features it offers. You are confronted with a CRM and Project Management that doesn’t work well with solar and you are left using multiple systems to try to meet your needs. This not only becomes inefficient in that you are entering information twice, but it wastes money by forcing you to pay for several software solutions.

With Janus, all of this can be avoided. Not only do we customize the system to fit your needs, but the system offers flexibility within itself. For example, if you have an installation with specific needs, you are easily able to modify all the project information and tasks to fit that new project. Or let’s say you decide to branch out into commercial solar after doing residential exclusively, you can easily create a new template type for all the new installations you will soon start doing.

Seeing is believing! Sign up for a demo so that we can show you exactly how Janus can fit your solar company like glove, improve operations, and reduce cost.